
It is an Anti-Jamming, GPS, enabled completely Programmable vehicle surveillance and fleet management System having multiple lines of defenses for the vehicle.

This unit with the modern infrastructure, programming It with a capability to provide real-time reports on the Web as well as directly to the owner’s mobile phone (IOS, Android application) .

Fuel Monitoring

The EZ Energy has developed a real time fuel monitoring Solution for your vehicle .You will be remain informed about the fuel Levels in your tank. It helps you to update accordingly about your fuel in your tanks .

Teze Smart Card

The EZ Energy have created a Smart Fuel Card designed to Meet the business requirements of our valued customers. Whatever the size of fleet you run, you can harness the wide Array of advantages and unique extras that only TEZE Smart fuel card offer.

Fuel on Doorstep

EZ Fuel is an innovative mobile fueling dedicated to address the problems of safety And pilferage in fuel handling. We provide doorstep delivery of fuels like diesel in specialized tamperproof tanks, enabling People and business clients to get refueling assistance in a convenient manner through IOT Enabled delivery system. The coming challenge of EV vehicles is not overlooked at EZ fuels and the plan is at final Stages for super capacitor vehicles.

Border Alarm

TEZE Border Alarm System is developed to protect, by Geo-fencing, our borders from the unintentional movement of fishing vessels crossing the Pakistani border (Exclusive Economic Zone & Extended Continental Shelf), and get arrested by Foreign Maritime Security Agencies. This is essential to homeland security, economic prosperity, and national sovereignty.

Geofencing is focused on the virtual perimeter build around a specific geographic location (Pakistan Territory Waters) to deliver targeted messaging. There are many types of alerts that can be send when a user approaches/enters a Geo-fence.

It supports the Government effort to protect our national interests by implying Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) objectives.